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Overview picture with the management team.
From left to right: elka management Gerd Michael Lersch, Karl-Robert Kuntz, and Larissa Kuntz, project manager Tobias Schmucker, planning engineer Bernd Schneider, sustainability manager Dagmar Hilden-Kuntz, production manager Achim Röper, maintenance manager Walter Kiefer, and planning engineer Hans Werner Jost

Photo: Frank Gemeinhardt, elka-Holzwerke

Largest investment in the nearly 120-year history of the company:

elka-Holzwerke in Morbach starts the modernization of the particle board plant

As an eco-pioneer in the wood-based materials industry, elka has set itself the goal of modernizing the company's particle board plant in several stages to be climate-friendly.

The multi-year investment project will be implemented in various investment phases.

The first phase is the construction of new screening and gluing facilities this year. The foundation work has already begun, and trial operation of the €15 million facilities is expected to start by the end of 2024.

For this project, approximately 100 truckloads of machine parts with a total weight of over 800 tons will be delivered. Additionally, around 400 tons of steel structures and over 35 kilometers of electrical wiring will be required. About 50 installers will work simultaneously on the assembly. Whenever possible, regional companies, especially for the construction work, will be considered in the contracting process. The main supplier of the screening and gluing equipment is the company IMAL-PAL.

The goal of the investment is to achieve efficient screening and gluing of the sawdust and wood chips produced at the in-house sawmill. This will result in savings of up to 5,000 tons of CO2.

In another investment phase, the energy generation and chip drying will be completely renewed in the years 2026/27.

The ongoing modernization of the particle board plant ensures that elka's many loyal customers will continue to receive climate-friendly quality products from Morbach.

"Wood saves the climate" is not just a slogan of the industry, but by using the only renewable building material, "wood," it becomes active environmental protection. Through its resource-saving production with a unique combination of sawmill, particle board plant, and natural wood panel plant, elka makes an important contribution to this effort.

As a family business in its fourth generation, elka demonstrates its social and regional responsibility with this major investment. This ensures that the 230 employees will continue to have a secure, modern, and above all, climate-friendly workplace in the future.

Aerial view of the new foundations
The foundations of the screening and gluing facility are nearing completion. Photo: Frank Gemeinhardt, elka-Holzwerke

#Nachhaltigkeit #Umweltschutz #Klimawende #elkaHolzwerke #Innovation #CO2Reduzierung #Zukunftsfähigkeit #Verantwortung #holzrettetklima #Investition #esbplus #esbplatte

Sawn timber and wood-based materials
in perfection - since 1906


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